Friday 15 April 2011

Tempe Green Paprika - Tempe Cabe Hijau

Mmm... tempe, I like it very much. Especially with green paprika, yummy. When you eat with hot rice more delicious. Stop imagine it, now take all your ingredients and your knife, let's cooking now :)

Ingredients - Bahan:
  • 2 block of tempe - 2 blok tempe
  • red onion, slice - 10 bawang merah, iris tipis
  • 5 cloves garlic, slice - 5 bawang putih, iris tipis
  • 2 green paprika, slice - 6 cabe hijau,potong serong tipis
  • 2 leaf bay - 2 lembar daun salam
  • 6 leaf lemon - 6 lembar daun jeruk
  • galangal, crush - 1 ruas lengkuas, geprek
  • 1 spoon lemon juice - 2 sdm air asem jawa
  • 6 spoon sweet sauce soya (you can mix soya sauce with bwon sugar) - 6 sdm kecap manis
  • salt - garam secukupnya
  • oil - minyak goreng

Directions - Cara memasak:
  1. Cut tempe into pieces box - Potong-potong kotak tempe
  2. Fried tempe into hot oil on the pan and drain it - Goreng tempe dalam minyak panas setelah itu tiriskan
  3. Stir-fry seasoning with 2 spoon oil (red onion, garlic, leaf bay, and galangal) until smell good - Tumis bawang merah,bawang putih,daun salam, lengkuas sampai harum
  4. Put tempe inside the seasoning and stir until seasoning on the tempe - Masukkan tempe yang sudah digoreng, aduk2 rata
  5. Put salt and lemon juice then stir again - Tambahkan garam, tuang air asam, aduk rata
  6. Put green paprika inside the pan and stir until green paprika ready - Masukkan cabe hijau, aduk rata hingga agak layu
  7. Put soya sauce and stir until everything good - Tambahkan kecap, aduk rata
Selamat Makan - Have a nice food :p

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