Saturday 21 May 2011

Coto Makassar

One thing that I will never forget about my hometown is the traditional food, Coto Makassar. Coto Makassar is a traditional food from Makassar (South Sulawesi). This special food is full of ingredients. From it’s history the ingredients are 40 kinds of seasoning. In 1538, it was cooking in pot soil and only served at formal events in palace. But now, everybody can enjoy this traditional food in every where in Makassar. This food is very popular in Makassar, so you will find very easy in the street. Not only in Makassar, in major city around Indonesia (Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Bali, even Yogyakarta) also already has this menu in some restaurant out of Makassar.

For you who love cooking, you can try to make this traditional food in your kitchen. Today, I will give you the secret of ingredients recipe from palace of Coto Makassar. You can find the ingredients very easy in market in Indonesia. Try the recipe in your kitchen and enjoy it. Remember, the best Coto Makassar is only in Makassar.

Ingredients - Bahan:

  • 1 kg lean meat - 1kg daging sapi sengkel
  • 2 liter starch water (water from after wash rice) - 2 liter air tajin (bekas cucian beras)
  • 5 stick lemon grass, bruise it - 5 batang serai, memarkan
  • 5 “salam” leaves (can be without this if you can not find it in the market) - 5 daun salam
  • 250 gram peanut, fried it and grind it - 250 gram kacang goreng, haluskan
  • 3 spoon of oil - 3 sendok makan minyak
  • 5 centimeter of ginger, bruise it - 5 cm jahe, memarkan
  • 3 centimeter of galangal, bruise it - 3 cm lengkuas, memarkan
  • 10 cloves garlic - 10 siung bawang putih
  • 8 grains roasted hazelnut - 8 butir kemiri, sangrai
  • 1 spoon of roasted coriander seeds - 1 sendok makan ketumbar, sangrai
  • 1 tea spoon of roasted caraway seeds - 1 sendok teh jintan, sangrai
  • 1 spoon salt - 1 sendok makan garam
  • 1 tea spoon white pepper - 1 sendok teh merica
  • Leeks, slice it - daun bawang, iris
  • Celery, slice it - daun seledri, iris
  • Lemon

Direction - Cara Membuat:

  1. Boiled the meat with starch water, lemon grass, galangal, ginger, and “salam” leaves. After the meat cooked separate it with the water and cut the meat like as cube. - Rebus daging sapi bersama air tajin, serai, lengkuas, jahe, dan daun salam. Setelah matang angkat, tiriskan, potong dadu.
  2. Puree garlic, hazelnut, coriander seeds, caraway seeds, salt, and white pepper. After everything mix, roasted it until you can feel the smell of it. Put it into the water from meat. - Haluskan bawang putih, kemiri, ketumbar, jintan, garam dan merica. Setelah halus, tumis hingga harum, masukkan ke dalam kaldu daging.
  3. Put the grind peanuts into the water from meat and boiled everything until the water boiling. - Masukkan kacang goreng halus ke dalam kaldu dan didihkan.
  4. Put some of meats into the bowl, water with seasoning, little bit of leeks and celery also lemon. - Masukkan daging secukupnya ke dalam mangkuk yang telah diisi air coto, tambahkan daun bawang dan seledri yang telah diiris dan tambahkan air jeruk.
  5. You can eat it with rice to make your stomach more full, hehehehehe :p - Silakan dimakan dengan nasi untuk pelengkap.
  6. Enjoy the Palace food from South Sulawesi, Coto Makassar - Nikmati makanan kerajaan dari Sulawesi Selatan ;)

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