Saturday 14 May 2011

Crispy noodle from Makassar - Mie Titi

Crispy noodle from Makassar popular with named MIE TITI. This food very delicious and will make your stomach full with satisfied. The ingredients very easy to find in market. This is one of my favorite food also. Full of vitamin and healthy. This weekend enjoy this food in your table. SELAMAT MAKAN :)

Ingredients - Bahan:

  • Pasta/noodle - mie
  • chicken fillet - ayam filet
  • shrimp, slice - udang dipotong-potong
  • egg - telur
  • cabbage, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, slice all - kubis, wortel, brokoli, kentang, potong-potong semuanya
  • Tomatoes, slice - tomat diiris-iris
  • celery, leeks, slice all - daun bawang, daun seledri, diiris
  • corn starch/maizena - tepung jagung atau tepung tapioka
  • Oil - minyak
  • 3 cloves of garlic - 3 siung bawang putih
  • 1 onion - 1 bawang bombay
  • 1 red onion - 3 siung bawang merah atau 1 bawang bombay merah
  • paprika - paprika
  • pepper - merica
  • salt - garam
  • lemon - jeruk lemon

Directions - Cara Membuat:

For Pasta/noodle - Untuk Mie:
  1. Cook noodle until ready. Let it getting not hot - Masak mie hingga matang kemudian dinginkan.
  2. Fried noodle until crispy with oil - Goreng mie hingga ksripi

Vegetable Sauce - Saus Sayur:
  1. Boiled chicken fillet until the chicken ready. Save the broth, take out chicken and slice the chicken with square shape - Rebus ayam filet hingga matang. Simpan kaldunya, keluarkan ayamnya dan potong-potong dadu.
  2. Blender garlic, onion and red onion. Add pepper and salt. Stir-fry - Haluskan bawang putih, bombay dan bawang merah. Tambahkan merica dan garam.
  3. Put chicken fillet, shrimp that already slice - Masukkan ayam filet yang sudah dipotong-potong dan udang yang telah dipotong-potong ke dalam tumisan bumbu.
  4. Put the broth until boiled - Masukkan kaldu hingga mendidih ke tumisan.
  5. Put pepper and salt as you want - Tambahkan merica dan garam secukupnya.
  6. After boiled put all vegetable and let until the vegetable ready - Setelah mendidih masukkan semua sayuran yang telah dipotong dan tunggu hingga sayuran matang.
  7. Mix maizena flavor with water in the other place after mix, put it into the pan that have all vegetables. Wait until thick - Campurkan maizena dengan air di mangkuk, lalu masukkan dalam panci yang berisi sayuran. Tunggu hingga kental.
  8. Open the egg and put into the pan and stir to make it look nice - Buka telur lalu masukkan ke dalam panci dan aduk sehingga terlihat seperti serabut di masakan.
  9. Stir until the dough boiled - aduk hingga mendidih
  10. Put the slice of celery, leeks - Masukkan daun bawang dan daun seledri

Presenting - Penyajian:
  1. Put the fried noodle to the plate as you want - Masukkan mie goreng kering ke piring secukupnya
  2. Flush the sauce on the noodle - Siram dengan saus sayuran secukupnya.
  3. Give a lemon as you want - Tambahkan jeruk nipis atau lemon secukupnya.
  4. Remember put love as much as you can into your plate :p Jangan lupa tambahkan bumbu cinta supaya rasanya sempurna ;)

Siap untuk dimakan, selamat menikmati - Ready to eat and enjoy it ;)

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